Artículos y ponencias en Congresos Científicos en los últimos años

Rodríguez De Lara, R., Fallas-López M., Rangel-Santos, R., Mariscal-Aguayo V., Martínez-Hernández, P.A., García-Muñiz, J.G. 2008. Influence of doe exposure and season on reaction time and semen quality of male rabbits. Proceedings of the Ninth World Rabbit Congress, Verona, Italy. Vol. 1, 443-447.

Gómez-Ramos, B., Becerril-Pérez, C.M., Torres-Hernández, G., Pro-Martínez, A y Rodríguez-De Lara, R. 2004. Relationship among feeding level, change of cage and casting with vulva colour and sexual receptivity in New Zealand White and Californian nulliparous does. In: Proceedings of the 8th World Rabbit Congress, Puebla, México, pp. 270-275.

Rodríguez-De Lara, R., Fallas-López, M., Rancel-Santos, R. 2000. Influence of body live weight and relocation on kindling rate and prolificacy in artificially inseminated nulliparous doe rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Rabbit Congress, Valencia, España, 2000. Vol.1, 251-257.